8 teachers that changed my life

What well known teachers have taught YOU profound lessons, even though you may never have met him/her in person?

I have had numerous teachers over the years, but 8 of them have had an extraordinary long term affect on the person I have become, and who I continue to evolve into every day.

My all time favs are listed in the chronological order of when they rocked my world and opened my eyes to an expanded truth.

1. Shirley MacLaine – Out on a Limb

This is the teacher that started my inner exploration many years ago.  I had owned Shirley’s (we’re on a first name basis in my brain) book Out on a Limb for several years without reading it, and then suddenly I HAD to consume every word like it was food for my starving soul. I heard Oprah say that she attributed the beginning of her spiritual awakening to this teacher and book as well  – sweet to know I share something in common with Oprah, in addition to the way we see the world!

2. Shakti Gawain – Creative Visualization

Shortly after I woke up to my spiritual truth by reading Out on a Limb, I found Shakti’s work, which led me to visualizing my life’s vocation as a career counselor, and eventually an MBTI trainer.  I wasn’t qualified for this career on paper when I visualized the qualities of the career I desired, but the Universe found a way to manifest it in a manner that I would never have known how to do on my own, and in a far better form than I had imagined.

3. Abraham/Ester Hicks – Ask and it is Given

While listening to Abraham speak through Ester at a live event many years ago, I used the techniques “he” talked about to instantly manifest an art exhibit before this one-day program was even over!  To say the least, this immediate and effortless success got me hooked on reading everything Abraham wrote.

4. Eckerd Tolle – A New Earth, Stillness Speaks

I considered Tolle’s books as my “bible” for many years.  They taught me to see  EVERY moment as my destiny, and that I only needed to look around me to know my purpose.  Just like the teacher before him, this once again changed everything, expanding my vision of how to live my precious life.

5. Byron Katie – Loving What Is, A Thousand Names for Joy

A natural next step to learning from Tolle was Byron Katie, who provided practical steps to fully appreciating everything that showed up in my life, especially the “bad” stuff.  I spent nine extraordinary days absorbed in “The Work” with Byron live in L.A., which took place just 2 weeks after the break up of my 31 year relationship.  Learning from Byron during this tumultuous time felt like the Universe was personally holding me as I grieved, guiding every step of my healing process.

6. Elizabeth Gilbert – Eat Pray Love, Big Magic

I read Eat Pray Love shortly after I found myself suddenly single 10 years ago.  As I read about Liz crying on the bathroom floor after her break up, I was actually crying on the kitchen floor myself! This book was my guidebook for moving through this unknown grieving process, and gave me tremendous hope that there was light at the end of the tunnel. Much later I read Big Magic, and adored learning how to integrate my beloved art into my spiritual practice.

7. Michael Singer – Surrender Experiment, Untethered Soul

When I saw Michael speak on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, I instantly knew that he was the next teacher on my path. Both of these amazing books provide practical guidance about how to surrender to what shows up in our lives, no matter what it looks like on the surface.  I have read these books several times, given them as gifts to many of my friend, and am currently reading Untethered Soul for a second time with my husband. Of the 8 teachers, Singer is my all time fav (so far!).

8. Tosha Silver – Outrageous Openness

A dear friend recently suggested I read Tosha’s sweet book of real life stories about surrendering to the Divine, and what can happen when you do. I’m currently reading this beauty, joyfully learning from every delightful and insightful story.  Although new to my circle of favorite spiritual teachers, I can already tell that these profound teachings will sink deeply into my soul and be the next step in my awakening journey.

So about about YOU?

What well known teachers have helped YOU grow and become who you are today?

Please share, either here or on Instagram, to help us to get to know each other better through the teachers that have guided our awakening journey.

Maybe we’ll each find a new teacher to learn from in the process!



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