Welcome to my heaven on earth

Until January 2018, I had spent very little time in this sacred space for the previous 12 years because my very demanding traveling day gig kept me on the road 2-4 weeks each month. The result - I created more art in hotel rooms that I did in my actual home studio.
However that all changed in 2018 when my employer (the publisher of the MBTI) allowed me to work a VERY part time schedule, about work 70 days a year. The rest of the time, I’m free to BE in this heavenly space, creating art and managing my art business (almost as creative as the art making itself).

Although I loved this sacred space from the moment I moved my art supplies into it, I had no idea how much better it could be until a tornado ripped through my backyard on April 15, 2018.
Thankfully my home was not hit, but many large trees were, including one that landed on my roof, ripping a giant hole into it. This forced my husband and I to move out for 3 months while a new roof was installed and many repairs were made to the second floor, including to my art studio, a true blessing in disguise.
So what you see below is how my sacred studio transformed, from a place I loved, to one that I NEVER want to leave. Check out the photos at the bottom to see where this started!

Check out how different my studio sink looked after the renovation compared to the before picture below. Hard to believe this is the same sink!
Before the renovation!

Although it was still a huge space, it was not near as peaceful and organized.

Before the tornedo hit, I stored SO MUCH in my studio that I rarely touchd. After words, if I didn't use it on a weekly basis, it was either donated or stored in the attic. This TOTALLY changed the vibe of my sacred space.

Thank you for taking tour of my sacred studio