What makes you feel most alive?

How would YOU complete this sentence….

I feel most alive when______________.


The first thing that popped into my mind was…..

…..when I’m creating art, holding a paint brush or cutting paper for a collage painting.

But then I realized there is a much deeper level to this answer, one that goes way beyond the obvious.

I feel MOST alive when_______________

…I choose to take a step back and witness my life from my seat of consciousness, which is where the “I” part of me lives.

This is the part that witnesses all that is happening in my life – events, thoughts, emotions – and isn’t pulled into thinking that those things are the real “me”.

I am most alive when I witness all that is happening in my life, as if I’m watching a movie, with full awareness that I’m not the movie, but rather the one who is sitting back and witnessing what is happening to the woman called Catherine Rains.

When I remember to be the witness and watcher of my life, I am at peace with ALL that is here, whether it looks “good” or bad” on the surface, and I KNOW that all is truly well in my world.
It just so happens that creating art helps me to get to this divine place more often, but it also happens at ANY time of the day when I choose to step back and witness where I am, what is happening, and not be attached to any of it.

So how about YOU?

How would you complete this sentence……

I feel most alive when__________________________.

Please share (either here or on Instagram) to inspire us all the find new and expanded ways to full embrace the beautiful life we’ve been given.

The picture for this post is a detail of one of my favorite 3D collages “This moment is my destiny”, which inspired today’s question.  To see the full image of this piece, follow this link.

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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.