Giving away my original artwork?

Between December 2018 and May 2019, I’ll be giving away 12 original pieces of art.


Great question, and one I’ve contemplated for many months as I planned my way back to selling art. Since quitting my day gig almost 12 months ago, I put my art biz on hold while I figured out WHAT I really wanted to create with this precious new gift of freedom.

So for most of 2018, I experimented to my heart’s content, playing with every medium and subject that seemed to be calling my name, begging me to dip my toe in its artistic pool.

Starting with collage, where my journey with art began over 20 years ago (more of that story here), I played with adding acrylics, oils, encaustics, pastels, pencils and crayons to my work. Then I experimented with painting flowers, portraits and abstracts, and even creating 3D sculptures from plaster-of-paris and old books.

In this soul-expanding and sometimes doubt-filled process, I learned a ton of new artistic skills and accumulated a huge collection of what I call “experimental” art.

Best of all, I had…


And as I played, I closely listened for what type of art made my heart skip a beat as I created it, and what felt like drudgery. As a result, with each passing day, I got a little clearer about the type of artist I wanted to be, and the kind of art I wanted to put out into the world.

What did I discover from 12 months of experimenting?

In the end, I came full circle. I realized that I still LOVE the medium of collage, and creating work that profoundly inspires those that my art is destined to touch, including me.  However, now I also LOVE to add both acrylic and oil paint to my collages, what I call “collage painting”, making them more abstract and free-flowing, rather than realistic, which had been my collage style for over 20 years.

Which brings me back to why I’m giving away my art.

A small part of me wants to hang onto all the art I created this year as a souvenir of this soul expanding journey, and my first year without a day gig. Yet most of me wants to give it away in order to make room for the type of art that I most LOVE to create.

Could I sell these instead? Sure, but I don’t want to since much of this experimental collection does not align with what I want to create from this moment on, and the type of artist I envision myself becoming.

So I’m giving away a lot of pears and abstracts to you, my loyal art loving friends, in gratitude for supporting me as I went through the process of finding my way back to and expanding what I most love to create.


A few details about how the giveaways work:

If you are already signed up for my newsletter, you don’t have to do a thing but wait for me to pick your name out of the hat. If you aren’t signed up, simply send me your email through the Contact button above, or click on this link to sign up in less than 30 seconds!

If you want to increase your chances to win an original painting, tag your friends in the Instagram post that matches each giveaway.  You will get one extra entry for every person tagged, in addition to the entry you already have for being a newsletter insider.

Note: Shipping is free if you live in the USA, but the giveaway is open to all of my subscribers worldwide.


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8 thoughts on “Giving away my original artwork?”

  1. Great inspiration Cat! I often give my art to friends because you can only keep so much stuff. Relationships are the true riches in life and I’m sure you agree. I’ve enjoyed the journey and love your thought provoking posts.

    • Barbara,
      I’m truly honored that you choose to be part of my unfolding art journey, and are now even a collector!
      Much love to you,

    • I wish that you were, but alas the winner lives in Pittsburgh! But there will be many chances to win in 2019, so stay tuned! Happiest of holidays with John and your family my friend. Love, Catherine

    • Barbara,
      And I am late to reply! So sorry about that. I’m very touched by your kind words, and am truly honored that you want to follow my journey.
      P.S. You aren’t late for the next giveaway which will happen this week, with more to follow! You are now entered for them all.

  2. Catherine,
    I always enjoy seeing your artwork. I have created dollhouse miniatures for over 33 years and started giving my projects away as I am out of physical space. It is such a special feeling when giving my work to others but my real enjoyment was in the creating.
    So here’s to following your journey and enjoying the process!

    • Terri,

      I am so very touched by your kind words. Making room for more art is certainly part of giving it away! Thank you for choosing to follow my evolving journey to put my art out into the world.

      Love, Catherine


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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.