Dive into 8 More Paste Papers (Part 2!)


Mix custom hues to turn everyday objects into mark-making tools and layer textures to elevate plain papers into collage elements that speak to the soul.

As a continuation from my previous Tune in Tuesday focusing on 7 types of paste papers, in this demo, I am building on those techniques and showing you 8 new paste papers that will introduce even more creativity to your collage world.

Starting with the basics, I usually use simple 50-pound drawing paper. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s amazing for tearing and applying to collages. One of my favorite things about collage is you can utilize everything from copy to mixed media paper; it’s all about your preferences and what you currently have in your art stash.

The cornerstone of this technique is, of course, the paste. I personally use a wallpaper paste that’s easy to find at a hardware store. If you can’t find the paste, I would suggest doing a quick Google search for paste paper recipes to and make your own! From revamping “meh” papers to experimenting with bright, bold patterns on black paper, this demo is filled with yummy experiments. I press, roll, and trace, making use of the most unconventional tools to reveal stunning designs. This demo provides a step-by-step guide to finding creating the most amazing textured collage papers.

These designs are just scratching the surface of what you can achieve with paste papers. The key takeaway for me is that experimenting, even when it leads to unexpected outcomes, is a significant part of our journeys as artists as we explore new techniques, textures, colors, and mediums.

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Supplies Used

Roman Wallpaper Paste (smaller quantities available at hardware store)
Drawing paper 80 lbs 

Copy paper 28 lb 

Black drawing paper 

Brown paper bags from grocery store
Catalyst wedges for mark making, like this
, or this, or this 
Catalyst for smoothing out bubbles 

Old credit card or plastic room key

Rolling pin pattern makers (similar, but not what used in demo) 

Round bottle lids collected during COLLAGE KICKSTART
Nova acrylic paint Flat brushes, one for each color paint mixed in paste 

Small jars for mixing paint 

Water and sponges
Joggles craft mat 


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