Day 14 – Doing “art” in Iowa
With no time off between business trips (I don’t count helping someone pack all weekend being off :), I flew to Omaha, and then drove 2 hours to Sioux City Iowa … Keep reading…
With no time off between business trips (I don’t count helping someone pack all weekend being off :), I flew to Omaha, and then drove 2 hours to Sioux City Iowa … Keep reading…
Before I started my 30 day commitment, I would give lip service to making art my priority, but many things would distract me. Now my feet are being held to the … Keep reading…
Up at 6am this morning to do a bit of art before I begin helping my cousin adjust to her new home. The movers spent yesterday moving her out of … Keep reading…
An added bonus to my week in New Orleans was being able to look up at this beautiful piece of art every day as I worked. Amazing ceiling with a view. … Keep reading…
… is a creative, inspiring, connected, abundant livelihood. The sweet truth about this vision? I already have this with my day job. Each morning at 5am I start my day by meditating and … Keep reading…
Finding energy to do art at night after a fully engaged and fun day with my job has sometimes been a challenge. Honestly, curling up in bed with a book, sounds … Keep reading…
For the next 4 days, my luxurious hotel room will be my “art studio”. What you don’t see in this pic, however, is that my Mac laptop has already crashed 4 … Keep reading…
I just realized that for the first 6 days of my 30 day 5 a.m commitment, I was sleeping in my own bed each night, with complete control over how each day would … Keep reading…
Well this could be a first, waking at 4:50am on a Sunday. But a commitment is a commitment. So weird writing here each morning, not knowing if anyone will ever … Keep reading…
All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.