Why abstracts?

When I started creating art 24 years ago, I choose collage as my medium because I could not draw.  Who can not tear up magazines and put them back together, right!?  I fully explored this art form, found a unique expression through 3D collage and had a successful run selling my 3D collages. Life eventually brought me back to my beloved day job, and I continued creating collages on a VERY limited basis for the next 10 years.

Then out of the blue two years ago, I found myself wanting to to paint.

I started by adding paint to my collages as abstract collage backgrounds for my “Take Flight” collection, and had a great response.  This increased my desire to paint, and to explore what else I could do with it.

How about creating mini abstracts, and embedding hidden blessings into the design?  Hmmm….  So three months ago, the “Hidden Blessings” series was born as I traveled to 7 cities for my day gig (a very light travel schedule for me!), painting from hotel rooms at night.

The joyful process of experimenting with layered and dimensional acrylic paint, and drawing abstract designs on top, has inspired me to take this even deeper.

I want even MORE paint.

Since I’m quittng my day job on December 29, 2017, 37 days from now (yes I have countdown on my phone), I’ll finally have time to explore paint and abstracts in a bigger way, and I do mean BIG. In order to fit my art into suitcases, I had to work small, but no more.

In preparation for my dive into full-time art, I’ve bought a dozen large canvases, tons of paint and brushes, and enrolled in three abstract painting classes between now and February.  I’m sooooo excited for this new adventure to begin.

I have no idea whether I’ll end up as an abstract painter.  All I know is that following my deepest hearts desire has ALWAYS led me to my highest good place, and I KNOW it will with my exploration of paint, whether I end up sticking with this medium or not.

So 2018 is ALL about expanding and exploring my voice as an artist.  What is in me that I want to share with the world?  How am I meant to serve through art? Is there another way, other than art, that I can serve even better?  Exploring these questions, and having lots of fun doing it, is my intention.

This is going to be the best year of my life.


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8 thoughts on “Why abstracts?”

    • I’m taking them all with donnadowney.com/, which is a fabulous workshop facility in Huntersville, NC. They sponsor all types of workshops, abstract being one of them. Two of the workshops have already happened, one more to go! I’m sure I’ll take many more from this studio – simply fabulous!

      All the best,

  1. Thanks so much. Checked out her webpage & she has online classes as well. So on my radar for a possibility next year. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  2. Hello Cat
    My name is Linda I am a Mixed Media Artist in Brantford Ontario Canada. I really need to know how to sell my Art as I am not having much luck with sales can you give me any tips or ideas on how to lift things off and get started, I would love to get off the road as I travel for work as well. Linda

    • This is not an easy question to answer and I’m still figuring it out myself, day by day. For me, its been about learning to use the time I have as efficiently as possible. Doing art while on the road, and learning to post WELL to Instagram have been my focus. For many selling on Instagram has created the audience they need for their audience, and that is beginning to be true for me as well. I also study how other artists position and sell their art, and experiment with different selling campaigns. Some have worked well for me, others have brought nothing. After TONS of experimenting, I’m STILL experimenting to find the right mix, and this is different for everyone. I wish I had some sage advice, but I’m learning along side you. After 2 years of doing art wherever I am, I’m finally ready to quit my traveling job, but I’ll still be learning once I can do this full time as well.

      My very best to you Linda,

  3. i listened to your podcast yesterday. The timing is serendipitous since i have been struggling with deciding to retire from my paying job and the mental struggles I am having with that decision – I can say that I have made a firm end date and having done that i feel unburdened and excited for this next chapter and what the gift of time will mean to my quilting and my gardens! I love your art and your color sense!!!

    • Peggy,
      Thanks so much for letting me know that you listened to the podcast at the most auspicious time. Amazing how that works. LOVE that you have set your end date and will soon have time to do what you most love. Thanks so very much for being part of my awakening world, and for your loving support of what I most love to do.
      Many blessings to you,


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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.