Paint dreams

View More: I researched  other artist’s websites to use as inspiration to jazz up my own, I found myself longing to pick up a paint brush. Artists like Dolan Geiman, Kelly Rae Roberts and Judy Paul all combine collage and painting – why couldn’t I? Suddenly I was saying “suppose” (my favorite word), “what if” and “how about”, as I dreampt of creating wilder, bigger, messier collages with the addition of paint.

The only “problem” with this dream is that I’ve never really painted. Ok, I used paint to create a few collages like Journey Home and Healing Heart, but I’ve never created a whole painted collage series since those initial attempts.  To be honest, the old fearful voice that says “I can’t paint or draw” has kept me in my comfort zone with collage for more than two decades.

Alas, its finally time to sooth that scared part of me and step out onto a shaky, untested limb, like I did in 1993 when I began experimenting with collage in the first place.

Since admiring the work of other artists and day dreaming about how I could do it myself was not motivating me to pick up a  brush, I decided to do what has worked in the past – take an art class. So I’ve now taken the first baby step – signed up for Kelly Rae Roberts’ Spirit Wings KRR_AngelCourseon-class which combines collage, painting and spiritual soul searching. Sounds like a safe, expansive place to begin my new exploration with paint.

Not sure where paint will take me, or how it will transform the art I love to create, but the transformation has undoubtedly already begun.  I simply can’t wait for my new art supplies to arrive in the mail this week so that I can finally explore where paint is meant to take my transforming art filled life.

In the event that you are wondering why this blog picture shows me painting if I don’t paint, I’m not! I’m pretending to  paint, visualizing what it will be like to actually do it.  Kinda of giving it a dry run, seeing what it will feel like, and it feels REALLY good.  Looks rather convincing if I do say so myself, and one day it will be the real deal, assuming paint ends up being part of my highest good path.

One day soon, I’ll turn this canvas around to show you what I’m really creating with paint.  But first, I need to pick up that darned brush and get started!

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3 thoughts on “Paint dreams”

  1. Hi Irene!When you seal your wood canvas with Gesso you have to allow it to dry cloeletpmy. I usually do multiple ones that way they are ready to go when I’m ready to paint on them.I usually do at least 2 layers of Gesso on all sides including the back (3 layers is ideal) for longevity.Once the Gesso is dry, then you can sketch on on it.I sketch on Vellum or Tracing paper first so all the erasing and corrections are done on that and not on the wood. Once I’m happy with the drawing then I transfer it using another piece of Velum that I have rubbed cloeletpmy with a 4B pencil, you can purchase transfer paper, but I just make it my self.By transferring the drawing, you keep the Gesso clean and then begin to paint.If you do not want to deal with transferring, you can always add a layer of clear coat to the pencil sketch that is on the wood, let it dry and then start painting. The lead will be sealed and will not mix with your colors.I hope that helps.You’ve given me a nice idea for a blog post and I’ll be explaining it using pictures.Take careMaggie


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