What do you appreciate about you?

It’s self-appreciation day!

Yes, it really is, at least in my world.

So what quality do YOU appreciate about YOU?

I thought about how I would answer this question for quite awhile today, and then remembered that I had asked a similar question months ago on Instagram.

Back then my answer was that I appreciate my kindness.

When I thought about this again today, I realized that my answer would still be kindness, but its more.  Another layer has been added to my self appreciation, and it better describes who I am and what I offer to others.

Amazing how hard it is to publicly declare what you like about yourself, but here it is…..

I appreciate the way that am (usually) totally present for those I love when they tell me their story.

I have been told that I make others feel truly valued and deeply loved by my full attention on what they are saying or doing.  By loving others with my whole being, the giver suddenly becomes the receiver, and the circle is complete as I unexpectedly feel valued and loved in return.

So how about YOU?

What is ONE quality that you deeply appreciate about YOU?

Please share (either here or on Instagram) so that we can appreciate and get to know each other at a much deeper and more soulful level.


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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.