“The Artist’s Way” halfway point

The first six weeks through “The Artist’s Way” has felt like a warm blanket of self love and healing, with so much unexpected expansion and growth.

Biggest learning so far?

Before this 12-week journey began, my focus had been on creating “good”,  inspiring, sellable art. After all, I wanted my full time income to come from art sales, so of course I would create art that others valued.  Thinking back however, I rarely felt inspired as I created art with this purpose as my priority.

After writing many “morning pages” exploring this topic, I realized that somewhere along the way I had disconnected from WHY I create art, as well as from the Divine connection to the art making process itself.

With this mind-blowing revelation, the cobwebs lifted, and I reconnected with my big WHY.

I create art for the purpose of profoundly connecting to the deepest part of me, to the Divinity that always surrounds me, AND to inspire others to connect with theirs as well.

Now with my WHY redefined and at the forefront of what I create, I designed an internal compass to guide decisions about where to direct energy in ALL areas of my life.

It goes as follows: I want to feel a sense of connection or presentness with ALL I do, from painting a picture, to answering an email, to washing the dishes. If I can’t find a way to connect to the task before me, then I either change how I’m doing it so that I can reconnect, or I choose another activity that lights me up when I think about doing it.

Learning to live connected to all I do is a moment to moment process, one that I’m now recommiting to and practicing daily. Definitely not something I have mastered, yet it is the compass that now guides my daily choices. 

Once I reconnected with my WHY, a surprising thing happened.

I immediately sold 3 original artworks and 4 limited edition prints with absolutely no effort on my part.  It was like magic.  I reconnected to me, and poof, my artwork sold.

And the best part is…

I’m no longer attached to selling, and I mean this. Sure, my ego still wants the external validation that my art is “good”. But the real me, the part that started this divine artistic journey 27 years ago, is not motivated to create art for the singular (and mostly empty) purpose of selling.  Rather I create art for the soul purpose of deeply connecting to the Divinity we all share, and to support others in profoundly connecting to their higher source as well.

Onto week seven and I’m excited to see what else I’m destined to learn from this journey. I’m having so many mind opening moments that I truly don’t want these 12 weeks to ever end!

Thank you for choosing to follow my journey through “The Artist’s Way”, and for the many comments of support you have shared. I am deeply grateful to be walking this path with you as my witness, cheerleader and fellow explorer.



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2 thoughts on ““The Artist’s Way” halfway point”

  1. Catherine, you are inspiring and your art is beautiful! It’s wonderful to see what is opening up for you as you explore yourself and your art more deeply. What a gift for us that you are sharing your experience and journey. It seems essential, blessed shifts are happening in your life – transformation in action. I see a butterfly…
    You’re encouraging me to continue along with The Artist’s Way. I just started week 3. What’s surprising me right now is that I really enjoy the morning pages, artist dates, and the suggested activities I engage in – and how there just seems to be time for it and it doesn’t feel like another thing to do.
    Wishing you the best as you follow your heart!
    (Remember in week 3 Julia Cameron talks about synchronicities…sounds like they are poofing all around you! YAY!)

    • Vicki,
      I’m so happy to hear that you are also loving your journey through The Artist’s Way. So sweet that we are traveling this path together. Thank you for your loving words of support – I’m sending every one them right back to YOU!
      Love, Cat


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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.