Symptoms of Inner Peace

WatchMeFly detail 3

As I was checking my FB news feed this morning, I came across this amazing list shared by my friend Jennifer Halls.  Her friend Ann Shengold had written “Symptoms of Inner Peace” in 1999, and the Charlotte Observer reprinted it on Christmas Day in honor of her life and recent death.

This list is so inspiring, and is what I aspire to daily.  I need to print this out and post to my studio wall so that I never forget what I’m shooting for!

Symptoms of Inner Peace

▪ A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experiences.

▪ An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.

▪ A loss of interest in judging other people.

▪ A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others.

▪ A loss of interest in conflict.

▪ A loss of the ability to worry.

▪ Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation.

▪ Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature.

▪ Frequent attacks of smiling.

▪ An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen.

▪ An increased susceptibility to the love offered by others, as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it.

These are my life’s goals, period!

What are YOUR symptoms for inner peace? Feel free to add to this list in the comments below!

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2 thoughts on “Symptoms of Inner Peace”

  1. Present moment focus

    Be Grateful

    You can only control how you React

    Enjoy my Yellow Labrador Sam
    Love of Animals

    Let go and move on

    Everyday is a new day to Enjoy

    Explore and discover new things near my home (neighborhoods, restaurants, parks, meet new people, local stores)

    Self care. Inner peace
    Meditate. Quiet time

    Really Listen to others

    Reconnect with Nature

    • Dear Martha,
      I so love your list that brings you inner peace. Thank you for reading so deep into my blog feed to read this one, and share your profound wisdom.
      Much love to you my friend,
      Catherine (aka Cathy!)


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