Song in your heart

bird final pic

A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and sings it back to you when you forget the words.

The quote on this new collage painting fills me with gratitude for all the amazing souls who sang my “song” for me, long before I even knew I had one. Friends of all varieties propped me up, cheered me on, reflected back what they saw buried deep within me, and all at the perfect time.

To find my illusive “song”, I explored the hidden parts of me for many years through journaling,  collage, counseling, nature walks, spirit-filled workshops, meditation, Omega retreats, deep talks with close friends (sometimes random strangers), and my blessed day job.

Slowly over time, my song and my uniqueness revealed itself.  I understood how I was meant to contribute to this world, while also realizing that my reason for being would continuously evolve.

The song of course had always been there, patiently waiting, nudging me to reveal another layer, and then another.  Eventually I began singing this song to myself, and then got the courage to sing it out loud to others (hello FaceBook and Instagram!)

This can still be scary, leaving me vulnerable, but I do it anyways. Its the only way to fine tune my voice and continue to follow the sacred path being revealed moment to moment before me.

Ultimately, I realized that I wasn’t looking for ONE song, one thing I was meant to do with my life.

I was searching for who I really was underneath all the layers, who I’d been all along. 

I came to understand that my purpose, or my song, was in EVERY blessed moment.

Although I still have many cherished friends that sing my song when I forget the words, I don’t need their voices very often any more.  My own inner knowing usually is the singer these days.

It is now my turn to pay it forward – to sing the song for others until they can sing their solo!

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4 thoughts on “Song in your heart”

  1. Hello Catherine, I’m happy to discover your beautiful website !!

    Well , you one of my song into my heart… !

    So i guess we are on the road to become frieds … 🙂

    I ‘ve got differents songs in my heart , to sing is very important for me as to paint or anyting to live ! I often paint with music and sometimes singing at the same times . Congrats for your beautiful work !

    • Magda, Sorry for the delay in responding to you. My commenting feature was off kilter, but finally working again. Yes, we are definitely on the road to becoming friends. Thanks so much for stopping by and loving on my work. Hugs, Catherine


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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.