SOMETHING has to give

If you followed my Mayo Clinic adventure on Instagram, you already know I was there being treated for a rare lung disease (chronicled in 5 IG posts, starting here). Although not life threatening, I just discovered that it will take about 18 months to heal, which includes 2+ hours every day of self-care/breathing exercises. Yikes.

Which means something major has to give

And thatsomething is my crazy pace. I recognize this as a wake up call, a clear message from the Universe to respect my body and the precious life I’ve been given.

So here is my (evolving) vision for slowing down.

First I’m adding much more rest, reading, and journaling to my daily routine – feels uncomfortable just typing this, but I’m doing it anyways.

I am also continuing to create COLLAGE JOY, but the energy behind the doing will be very different than just a week ago. Instead of following a precise plan for what must be accomplished each week, I’m transforming how I move through my to-do list by following this sacred process . . .

  • Choose a task that lights me up, sounds like fun, makes my heart jump a beat when I think of doing it.
  • Once the task is chosen, I offer it to a higher power, drop my thoughts, and connect to a place of transcendence and joy within my body.
  • Then I focus on being in this connected place as I play with the task, no matter its size or significance.
  • When thoughts and/or tension creep back in (and they often do), I drop my thoughts, reconnect to the joy within me, and start again.

This is EXACTLY what I did two years ago to find my artist’s voice, and it is still the process I use to create art. Now I’m applying this to heal both my body and art business. By going back to this sacred process, I expect COLLAGE JOY to evolve into what it was intended to be when I originally envisioned it, which never included pressure and stress.

Bottom line?

Although I cannot give you an exact date when COLLAGE JOY will be launched (hopefully early Fall?), I am certain that it will happen at the perfect time, when it serves the highest good of all, especially mine!  Thank you for being patient as I move through this healing process.



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2 thoughts on “SOMETHING has to give”

  1. Your health story resonates with me. Last summer, 2021, I spent five weeks at Mayo with my daughter while she battled for her life. She is battling a very, very rare autoimmune disease that destroyed her right lung and pulmonary artery. She has a large patch non the left pulmonary artery. Her disease is so rare that even Mayo could not diagnose her disease. She continues to fight a year later.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family…

    P.S. Mayo is amazing….

  2. Oh goodness, you have been on quite the journey. Yes being at the Mayo is an amazing experience, and I’m glad they were able to diagnose your daughter. Going back there in November and am hopeful that my lung disease is gone. I’m sending you loving thoughts as you continue to walk this healing journey.


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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.