Pushed Out of My Comfort Zone

Last Sunday I drove 12 hours to one of my favorite places on earth – the Omega Institute in upstate NY – where I attended a 5-day art workshop with Flora Bowley, the artist that taught me to paint many years ago.  And even though I’ve been back home for a couple days, my head is still buzzing with all the soul-expanding growth I experienced during my time at this magical retreat center.

There are no words to describe the experience of being pushed WAY outside of my comfort zone, with my art, and my life. I felt constantly triggered on some level, whether from creating art with techniques and colors I rarely use, or with the interpersonal “stuff” that happens at an immersive experience with 42 other artists.

However real growth happens when I am pushed to my edges, and that is why I went. It’s why I’ve been going back to this sacred retreat center on-and-off for the past 28 years.

Being alone in my home studio, creating art that I know and love, is not where my major growth occurs.

This past week reminded me of this, big time.  One moment I was flying high with all I was learning about myself and my art, and the next moment I was wallowing in self-doubt. Then an hour later, I’d feel at peace with the world. It truly felt like a mental roller coaster, and as a result, I’m exhausted AND happy with the growth I experienced on so many levels.

The only artwork I created that I sort of liked!

Although I can’t wait to sign up for another Omega workshop next year, at the moment, I’m relieved to be back in the peace of my home studio, back to the sweet comfort zone I know and love.

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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.