3 Steps to Embrace Covid-19

Fear and uncertainty seem to be surrounding us.

And with no end in site, it’s easy to get caught in the net of our collective fear, going down doomsday rabbit holes, reading article after article about what is happening and not happening, and how much worse it’s likely to get.

Yet in the middle of the fearful thoughts, I also hear a voice deep inside reminding me of how life has always worked for me, which is incongruent with what the news is reporting.

For the past 30 years, I have thrived through diversity by following this simple philosophy….

What I resist persists.

Life is rigged in my favor, always.

THIS moment is my destiny.

What I have is what I want. Wherever I am is where I want to be

Living fully present and grateful, the door opens

It ONLY gets better.

Simply by not resisting the reality before me, I’ve experienced so MANY miracles that didn’t seem logically possible before they suddenly appeared.

But how can I stop my negative thoughts long enough to fully embrace and accept my/our present reality? And what does embracing THIS reality of a world-wide pandemic even look like?

And is it even possible to apply the “what I resist persists” philosophy to Covid19 when we appear to be completely out of control?

However, its been during the times when I’ve been totally out of control and with no options in sight, that the path of non-resistance has worked the best.

In fact, this is when mind blowing miracles have appeared out of nowhere.


So here I am/we are AGAIN – clearly out of control and no options, other than to patiently waiting at home for this to be over.  Therefore I have absolutely nothing to lose, and potentially everything to gain, to apply non-resistance to what we’re collectively going through.

3 steps I am taking to embrace Covid-19

1. I am not reading or watching anything about Covid-19 that has a negative headline, such as how many are sick, have died, or how much worse it will get before it is over.  Every now and then I still get sucked in, because after all my lizard brain is still attracted to train wrecks, but this is now the exemption, rather than the rule. Reading negative articles does absolutely nothing to support the world’s healing or my well being, so I’m just not doing it.  I’m also asking others not to share negative headlines with me, unless of course, I need it for my immediate well-being.

2. I am celebrating the abundance of time I suddenly have to spend at home, including my home art studio. After over a decade on the road for my day gig (and currently one week a month as a part-time contractor before I was laid off last month), I frequently remind myself how precious it is to BE home.

And most importantly…

 3. I am changing my thoughts about Covid-19 in a very concrete, practical way, even though on the surface it might seem woo woo, not real or practical, even pie in the sky. I assure you it’s just the opposite, at least from my experience.

Here is what transforming my thoughts looks like…

At the top of every hour, starting at 9am and continuing through 7pm, I have set an alarm on my phone to remind me to stop and do the following 1-3 minute meditation/visualization.

Just 1-3 minutes.

And it goes like this….

I close my eyes, and imagine that brilliant white light is filling my entire body. Then I imagine that that light is love and I’m literally being filled with love, and nurtured by that brilliant light.

Then that sparkling light pours out through my feet, in all directions, spreading across the planet beneath my feet. And it covers the entire planet underneath me and when it gets to the opposite poll of the planet, it starts traveling back up again to me and enters back into my body through my feet, so now I’m completely connected with the entire planet.

Then I imagine that the virus is melting like ice and being absorbed into mother earth. And that all of our world leaders at every level, our presidents, chancellors, governors, majors, scientists, they are doing their absolute best to do what is needed to physically stop the virus. I send gratitude for them serving us to the best of their abilities, as well as sending buckets of gratitude to all the doctors, nurses, hospital staff and healers on the front lines, and all the people that aren’t able to self isolate like grocery store clerks, pharmacists, amazon truck divers, those producing our food, and all the millions on the front lines helping us navigate through this life altering time.

And that’s it, and I’m doing this short visualization, for 1-3 minutes at the top of EVERY hour, EVERY day, until this virus is contained and our lives return to normal, whatever normal ends up looking like when all of this is over.

If what I’m doing resonates with your heart, I invite you to do this with me in whatever way feels good to you.

Please change the visualization I offered in whatever way most speaks to you and how you see the world. I realize that once an hour might seem like too much but there are no rules with this ritual other than the ones you create  for yourself.

Whether you do this once a day, or when you wake and go to sleep, when you eat, or once an hour like me, it is all perfect and will add to transforming the negative vibe of the entire world, and switching us from resistance to acceptance at a cellular level. At the very least, it will stop our own fearful energy and thoughts if only for a few moments.

Each time I finish this short ritual, I feel at peace, at least until the next scary thought catches my attention, and believe me there are still plenty to fill my brain. The key for me is repetition, and eventually in my experience, this becomes habit, the way I will deal with this blessed virus and all the lessons it has come to teach us going forward.

Although Covid-19 has brought fear and uncertainty, it has also given us a common language, something that deeply connects us no matter our politics, spiritual beliefs, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race. We’re all on this path together, holding hands and hearts across continents.


If this message of spreading non-resistance resonates with you, I would DEEPLY appreciate if you would share it with your social networks – Instagram, Facebook, or wherever your people hang out. In this moment, know that I’m sending love, peace and healing to each and every one of you.   Namaste.



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4 thoughts on “3 Steps to Embrace Covid-19”

  1. Wonderful guided mediation for calming the inside world and the outside world, thank you for describing it so well. I will start doing it too! Namaste, Catherine. Big warm virtual hug heading your way.


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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.