Letting go of the story

My artwork continually wakes me up long after I sell it. And truthfully it’s the title of each collage that ends up being the teacher.

Let me explain.

I choose artwork to post to Instagram each day based on how it looks in my grid of top 9 posts. THEN I notice the title and am often startled by how perfect its message is for what I’m currently learning.

When I posted this collage last Wednesday, I was traveling home from the Mayo Clinic where I had met with my lung doctor to access the progress of my healing. Since I had such a positive experience, I found myself reevaluating my negative relationship with western medicine. You see I have been anti-pharmaceuticals for the past 40 years, priding myself on consuming nothing but vitamins.

That is until the last 4 months.

My body simply wasn’t healing with alternative medicine. In fact it was getting much worse. Yet now, thanks to the drugs suggested by my blessed Mayo doctor, my lungs are significantly better and I expect to be fully healed in about 14 months.

I have spent a lifetime learning to live in non-resistance, and have had many challenging situations that helped me learn this life skill. Yet when it came to healing, I was in complete resistance to conventional medicine. Although I still believe in the power of alternative medicine, now I see western and eastern medicine working together in divine partnership to bring me back to radiant health.

So when I saw the title of THIS collage, it felt like a sacred message from the wisest part of me.

Let go of the story” – lesson learned, again.

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4 thoughts on “Letting go of the story”

  1. Hi, Catherine, I am truly enjoying your instagram and blog, and when I saw this piece, it reminded me very much of some pieces I had done. I tried to send you a copy but I am pretty techno-challenged, so it did not copy. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I really love your work and plan on signing up for your class.
    Best wishes for continued improvement in your health challenge.

    • Just saw your kind reply to my blog post, sorry it was so late! Thank you for choosing to take my classes and be part of my art journey.



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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.