For the next 4 days, my luxurious hotel room will be my “art studio”. What you don’t see in this pic, however, is that my Mac laptop has already crashed 4 times in the last 20 minutes. This will make any kind of art this morning, and this trip, more challenging. Looks like I’m going to be searching for an Apple store tonight to either fix my 6 year old MacBook Pro, or buy a new one, and either choice is what I want – no resistance to what is.
Between launching my new website a week ago, learning how to use Facebook and Instagram to share what I create, and now fixing my laptop so that I can do art on the road, there hasn’t been much time for creating new art. Learning social media, including blogging, “gramming” and Facebooking, will my art for the next couple weeks. I’m totally enjoying learning how to use these new creative tools, which of course are only new to me. As is usually the case in my world, I am late adopter when it comes to all things technology :).