The number one question I am asked as I travel for my day job is “do you like ALL the travel?”, usually said in a tone that says “you surely don’t”. In fact, someone asked me this again today.
Admittedly traveling almost weekly does have its challenges, but I always answer this question the same way, with simple gratitude for my life exactly as it is. To answer any other way would be insanity, for it would be denying the life I’ve been given.
So I focus on all that I love about travel: experiencing new cities and meeting fascinating people, as well as on simple travel luxuries like comfy beds, beautiful sunsets seen from my hotel room and delicious dinners.
Would I like to spend more time at home? Yes and no. The YES part is that it would be lovely to spend more time with my husband, friends and community, as well as more time in my sunny studio. The NO part is that I love my day job and can’t imagine giving it up.
Bottom line is that I’m getting the best of both worlds – day job and art – right now. I am very blessed to be in THIS life, exactly as it is, in spite of, and because of, ALL the travel.