My deepest hearts desire for October

Whenever I set an intention for myself, and share it with others, I have a much better chance of sticking to it!

So here goes, my public declaration of what I intend to do for the next 31 days, beginning TODAY.

     1. I am creating art at least one hour a day.

I do something for my art biz EVERY day, but with my heavy travel schedule lately, I’ve let my daily art practice slip. I’ve already created art this morning, so I’m off to a great start for #1.

      2. I am repeating the mantra “this moment is my destiny” EVERY time I hear myself feeling any type of resistance to what is before me.

Whether its being stressed about how many things are on my to-do list, or editing an article I’d rather not be working on, or designing a powerpoint for an upcoming training…. no matter what it is, or how logical it is to NOT want to do it, I’m going to stop myself as often as I can remember and say…


Then I’ll drop all of the other thoughts that follow, and just continue working on the project before me in grounded peace.  When the resistance reappears, I repeat the process, over and over again!

After sharing how this mantra worked miracles for me over a decade ago when I hated my day gig, I decided it was time to bring it back as I step into my last 3 months of full-time employment.  Still loving my day gig, but with the end so close, I’m finding myself living in the future (as in January 2018 when I start doing art full time), and not fully BEING in the beautiful life I have NOW, day-gig travel and all.

     3. I am giving up sugar, including things that turn to sugar like bread and potatoes.

Over the past 6 months, I have gotten an ear ache almost every time I eat sugar, including bread (luckily fruit and wine do not trigger this!).  When I gave up sugar over a 4-month period, the ear aches went away. Assuming I was cured, I slowly brought back bread and granola, but one thing led to another, and this quickly morphed into eating cake and chocolate! Now the ear aches are back and I’m starting over with no sugar.  Dang!


I hope that you will join me in declaring what you want to focus on in the month ahead.

What would set YOUR heart on fire, or make you feel so much healthier/happier if you focused on doing it every day in October?

Please share either in the comments below or on Instagram so that we can support each other in focusing on manifesting what we most want in our lives.


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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.