2021 – The year my passion became a business

Since quitting my day gig to pursue art full time in 2018, I had been in a never-ending experimentation phase, searching for my artistic voice, not knowing when and if I was ever going to find “it”. As a result, before 2021 I had never launched more than one original art collection in a single year.

Then suddenly in July 2020, it all came together.

I discovered my unique collage style, and overnight became laser focused on what I wanted to accomplish, and why I was doing it.

So when January 2021 rolled around, I declared my art biz intentions in writing, posted them on my studio wall, and focused on accomplishing the first thing on the list.

To be perfectly honest, the list seemed a tad unrealistic. But then I reminded myself what I KNOW to be true – that life is rigged in my (and everyone’s) favor, and I had a ton of life experience to prove it. Intentions, affirmations and living in non-resistance had created multiple miracles in my life (check out this podcast), so why wouldn’t it work with my art biz?

So with my arms wide open, I focused on completing one project at a time throughout 2021, until one day in November…

I realized that I had accomplished EVERYTHING on my blessed list.

To my complete surprise, within just 12 months I had  . . .

  • Created and released 3 original collage painting collections
  • Created a 4th original collage collection for release in 2022
  • Launched a limited edition Birkenstock collection
  • Created a collection of large limited edition prints
  • Published a welcome gift for new subscribers – “33 Art Supplies…”
  • Appeared on five podcasts
  • Created and launched my first art calendar
  • Created and sold 100+ original collage ornaments
  • Assembled a Holiday Shop with new greeting cards, sketchbooks, etc.
  • Published at least one newsletter a month and posted to Instagram (almost) every day

Rereading this list still surprises me, while also inspiring me to write down my fondest desires for 2022, and focus on finishing one project at a time.

So what’s my BIG intention for 2022?

For many years I’ve dreamed of teaching collage, yet clearly wasn’t ready. First I needed to define my “voice”.

Now that I’m clear what I love to create, it’s finally time to put this intention at the top of my list for 2022.  I know the Universe will once again conspire to help me make my expanded dream a reality, step by precious step. Hence, I’m laser focused on creating many online collage workshops this year, including a comprehensive 6-week course called Collage Joy, scheduled to launch summer 2022.

Yikes, now its out there, and even though nervous, I’m also thrilled to be finally moving toward this beloved intention and see where it takes me.


What is YOUR big intention for 2022?

I challenge you to write it down (if you haven’t already) and place it where you see it everyday.  If you feel inspired, I would be honored if you would share it with me and this community by leaving a comment below.  Publicly declaring your intentions is a very powerful act of self-love and trust, and tells the Universe that you are ready to embrace your deepest hearts desire.  So bring it on!



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4 thoughts on “2021 – The year my passion became a business”

  1. My intention is to become a Full time artist. I’ve been teaching English and Literature in colleges and high schools for 26 years and I feel I’ve done enough for others. Now it’s time to spend the 2nd half of my life living my dreams. I’m a published poet and my creative writing process starts from images that I can easily put in words. Once I started to materialize the images themselves, I realized I could be a complete artist and calm my anxiety down. Thanks for your posts and inspiring hints .

    • Fernanda,
      I’m cheering you onto stepping into full time art. As you probably know, I spend 3/4 of my life in a corporate job, and now am LOVING the life of a (almost) full time artist. I still work 25% of the time, but that takes the pressure off art sales for my full living, so its perfect. Sending you much love as you move into your heart’s desire.

  2. So glad you have found your artistic voice and a beautiful voice it is Catherine. You put your heART into all you do and you inspire me tremendously.
    Keep shining

    • Dianne,
      And your loving comments inspire me in return. Knowing that my art is reaching who is it intended to touch is deeply meaningful to me. Thank you for being part of my artistic unfolding day by day.


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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.