What is YOUR secret message?

Yes, it true.

Your highest self sent this message to you today, and only YOU can read it.

Look closely, it really is there, waiting for YOU to find and follow it.

So what is YOUR sign telling YOU?

My message is simple, and has appeared many times over the years.

I obviously have a hard time hearing it, and consistently following through.

It’s always some version of the following…

Quiet the inner chatter – just for this moment.
Stop the constant pushing and striving.
Deeply be in the astonishing life I’ve been given.

Simply typing these words, and reading them out loud to myself, my heart sighs with relief.

Day by day, moment to moment,
I’m changing how I live in order to hear and integrate this profound message.
I’m listening, adjusting, quieting, AGAIN.

So how about YOU?

What hidden message is your highest self telling you today?

Please share (either in the comments below or on Instagram) to inspire us all to see the signs being constantly sent to us, and  to follow these beloved messages.

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2 thoughts on “What is YOUR secret message?”

  1. I got a signed that filled me with sorrow.
    I was driving to work and a song played in the radio and the text touched me in a way I cant describe. I wont tell all the private details but You know the feeling you get when a song utter what you try to forget. The feelings you try to ignore.
    While I was listening to this song the hard puring rain suddenly stopped and the sky was lid up by beautiful sun just for a short while…I cried a bit knowing what I have to do and knowing I will be okay.

    • Kathrine,
      I am so touched by your soft, sad words. I feel your pain, and what you are going through. Certainly been there myself, and its the most sad and transformative place. My heart is so with you as you move through this transition, and into the light once again. Many blessings to you. With love and light, Catherine


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