What do you want to add to your life?

What is something that YOU would like to try or do, but haven’t done yet? Where would you like to step out of your ordinary and try something new?

This question has been rolling around in my brain for the past several weeks, and specifically as it relates to how I post to Instagram, which often seems more like a mini-blog.

I put a huge amount of time and thought into EVERY question I post on IG, usually planning each out weeks in advance.  Before I started posting to IG 16 months ago, I put the same energy into blogging and my newsletter. However, it didn’t take long to realize that I didn’t have time for both a blog and IG. Something had to give, and alas, I choose Instagram over my blog and newsletter.

Yet I still want to do it all – post regular blog articles, a newsletter AND meaningful questions to IG.

So here is what I want to try, and would LOVE to know what YOU  think about my idea.

I want to ask my daily question on Instagram, and when appropriate (which might be often), post MY answer to the question on my blog, which is only a quick click away via the posted link in my IG profile. If you want to read my response, great.  If not, that’s great too.  In either event, I hope that you will still choose to respond to the daily question in either place, blog or IG.

This solution seems to integrate my IG posts with my art, which is what I ultimately want to do. And since my IG posts have turned into mini-blog articles, why not treat them that way!

Obviously this is a work in progress, and will probably change many times before I figure out what works best for me, and most importantly YOU!


In the event you have not yet answered my IG question for the day on Instagram, I would love to hear what you have to say here.  So…..

What is YOUR heart telling you to add to YOUR life?

Please share to inspire us all to step out on a limb and try something new, whether teeny tiny (new nail color), or monumental big (quitting your job!).

Many blessings to each and every one of YOU!








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4 thoughts on “What do you want to add to your life?”

  1. My heart is telling me to add writing on a more regular basis. I have so much writing rolling around in my head, but alas, I allow other obligations and interests to take precedence. I can keep thinking about and wishing, or I can finally take action.

    • Dearest Debbie,
      You need to write on a regular basis, and the Universe needs you to as well. We need what is rolling around in your head. PLEASE write for the benefit of us ALL. LOVE YOU BUNCHES, Catherine

    • Oh thanks so VERY much Kim! Lovely to know that this works for you. Your feedback means the world to me.
      Big hugs,


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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.