Many leaps of faith

Square - Leap of faith NEW

My life has been full of mini, and sometimes giant, leaps of faith.

Like the time I quit my steady-eddy university job to try out an exciting new adventure in no-guarantees corporate America. Or when I left my corporate job 4 years later to follow my dream of being a full time artist. And then 4 years after that when I stepped back into corporate America because I had a hunch it was the right thing to do (unexpectedly, I divorced 2 years later, so it was VERY right).

Each of these leaps was absolutely for my highest good.

However, when I was in the process of deciding which path to take and simultaneously contemplating many options, I bounced between sleepless, fear-filled nights and feeling totally compelled to jump off a cliff yelling “yahoooo!!!”.

In the end, in spite of many conflicting voices in my head, I usually took a brave and blind leap into an unknown future.

Thankfully the universe has consistently responded to my heartfelt jumps by providing a safe place to land that is even greater than my original dream.  And with each successive leap, I have learned to trust that my path is being divinely guided, and that no matter where I land, it will always be much better than where I started.

Will I leap again? More than likely, but not now.

Today I am planting the seeds that will be harvested sometime in the future, but in this moment, I have no idea when and/or how.

In the meantime, I am patient, fully present and enjoying the over-the-top amazing life before me.

What I’ve learned with life experience is that indulging in fear-filled thoughts about what could happen, and probably never will, is a waste of my time and energy. Now when I hear the scared part of me screaming for attention, I calm it by asking the Universe to make it crystal clear when it is time to take another leap, and what direction would support my highest good and that of all concerned.

I would love to hear about YOUR last leap of faith, or about the one you are contemplating, or are about to take in the comments below.

It takes a lot of courage to step into the vast unknown, and your story of bravery, whether tiny, monumental or somewhere in between, will support everyone who is meant to read this post.

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20 thoughts on “Many leaps of faith”

  1. My leap of faith was moving across the country from California where I grew up to South Carolina for a guy who I love, but who also is divorced with full legal custody of his three kids under 18. I don’t know anything about the South, I don’t know how to be a stepmom, but I always knew my life was meant to help others. Those others are now my fiancé and his family but especially his youngest kids. Everyone said I’m crazy, look at all I’m giving up. Leapt in October and it’s been a fantastic and jarringly surreal roller coaster. 🙂

    • Melissa, I feel double blessed to have two comments from you! That means two chances to win a large art print! So sweet to reconnect to you here. You are one brave woman for moving cross country to be with your love and his (now your) kids. That is a double, maybe even a triple, leap of faith :)! Cat

  2. Hi Catherine, I’m retiring May 31. My husband and I are taking a giant LEAP of FAITH … We’re moving to Oregon to live close to our son and his family. When I saw your beautiful piece of art. I thought it was very timely!
    All the best, Patricia

    • Patricia, Giant leap indeed! LOVE that you will be living near your son and family, and I’m SURE this is very scary too. Leaving what you know, with a life you build in TN, I’m sure is unsettling. Oregon sounds like an amazing place to start a new adventure and phase of your life. You will be missed in the career world. Thank you for following my art journey. Catherine

  3. I feel like every step is a leap of faith. I don’t know any other way to move through the world. I just trust that my heart will lead the way. Most recently I called the leader of a personal development workshop that I really wanted to attend, but couldn’t afford and asked if I could work in exchange for the price of admission. We talked about what skills I could bring that might be useful, then he thought it over for a few days. While he was deciding if this could work, a generous soul offered to sponsor someone who wanted to come, but couldn’t pay. So when the conference starts in two days, I’ll be there, as he put it, “because you had the courage to ask.”

    • Amy, I admire your courage to put yourself out there and ask for what you want and deserve. LOVE that you are going to the conference, and all because you took a chance, jumped without knowing the outcome. Good for you. Thanks for following my art journey – its an honor to have you along for the ride! Cat

  4. The biggest leap of faith I’ve ever taken came recently in October. I’d been dating the love of my life long distance for 5 years, and 3 years into that I found out he got full legal and physical custody of his kids from his previous marriage (which no one had expected, especially me, as it’s extremely rare that the man is granted custody over the woman). We stayed together though the transition was rocky as he became the only parent, and about a year later against most of my common sense and society’s norms, I moved across the country to start working remotely, be with him and become an “instant stepmom” to three preteens and teenagers. If you would have asked me prior to meeting my significant other if I would have ever dated anyone who was divorced or with kids or even if I would have moved outside of California for a guy, my answer to all would be a resounding “no.” Funny how things work out. For me, this leap of faith means having faith in knowing the truth that’s in my own heart.

    • Melissa, What a BRAVE leap you took. So impressive. Thanks for sharing your story, and twice! Sorry for the late response – all my comments where going to my spam folder and I JUST figured it out! I’m sending you tons of loving support as you follow your heart with your fiance and step kids. Your story made my heart smile. Hugs to you as you move forward one small step at a time! Cat

  5. I have been on a journey for most of my life.I have been back with my family now for 12 years.I don’t have children an am divorced so my lifestyle is of my own choosing,sometimes I have made wreckless choices an other times wise choices.I cannot focus on any regrets as that is a lonely path of self destruction,so with that being said,I am excited for the next adventure to begin.I see a lot of camping an tree hugging going on an meeting new faces an some skinny dipping by the moonlight.well maybe…

    • Sandy, LOVE your story of where you have been, and where you are headed. Your live in the moment and have no regrets attitude is so wise. Thank you for following and supporting my art journey in such a tangible way. YOU are appreciated! Cat

  6. We never know what tomorrow holds for us……so take that leap, make the change. I have taken several leaps like you, and I have been contemplating my next challenge. I am still in the beginning stages of ideas, but I am working on a three year plan, Ill keep you posted.

    • Dear Dee, Thanks so much for following along with my journey, and adding to it with your inspiring comment. LOVE that you are working on your 3 year plan. Let me know if I can support you in return! Love you, Cathy

  7. Catherine, love your blog and your endless positivity!!! I, too, left a stable career and a heck of a lot of status I had worked so very hard to achieve. I had obtained a doctorate, risen to an associate vp position, and was earning a salary higher than any I’d ever known. I jumped into a completely different field working for a municipal utility, and while happy to be free from some of the drama and trauma I’d endured during an excruciatingly painful transition in leadership at my previous place of employment, I suddenly felt like a kid on the first day of school. I knew NOTHING about metering kilowatt hours or the importance of turbidity in water systems. I felt more like I had done a cannon ball into a pool full of muddy water than taken a leap of faith. Once I surfaced from the muck, I embraced my new job with all the enthusiasm of an adventurous explorer. I learned the language of the natives (aka “engineer speak”) and am happy to report less than two years later, I have been promoted, nearly reached the salary I was making when I left higher ed, have better benefits and most importantly, my blood pressure returned to normal. I love what I do. I’m sure that part of my courage on this adventurous trail came from life lessons you passed on to me along the way. Thanks, sincerely, for ALWAYS being a source of “glass 3/4 full” to me!

    • Oh dear friend, I LOVE your story, and am honored to have played a small part in it. I’m so proud of you for leaving your steady-eddy job for the unknown. I thought you were working for the City of Rock Hill. See how much I know. LOVE that you love your new job. Would love to hear more about this brave new adventure of yours. Thank YOU for supporting my wild ride into art, and for appreciating what I’m putting out into the world. Love you!

  8. I am a pastor and have been recently appointed to a new church effective July 1, 2016. I am very excited about the new leap of faith I will be taking in the new church. I have spent the few weeks thinking and planning for the wonderful ministry that is ahead of me. I am also distracted by my thoughts of things that could possibly go wrong….but probably not go wrong. This art piece and this blog spoke to me in so many ways. Thank you for sharing your insights.

    • Sue, I am so touched by your courageous leap you are taking with your new church. I am truly honored that you read my blog, and that something I wrote resonated with your soul. Thanks for being part of my journey, and allowing me to be a part of yours!

      You are officially entered in the Art Print contest!

  9. I took a leap of faith in my life to get a hold on my health and am well on my way to achieving it. Beginning a new life for myself with a wonderful loving man. Who knows where I will go from here. Maybe do something more withy art like you have. Lord only knows. God bless!

    • Sarah, Yours couldn’t be a better leap. Without your health, there is nothing, right? I didn’t write it here, but health is an ongoing commitment for me, and sometimes a leap too as I try new ways to fulfill my daily intention of being “radiantly healthy”! Thanks so much for sharing here – you are officially entered in the Art Print contest!

  10. It took a leap of faith for both me and my beautiful, sweet and talanted wife to get together when we seemed so different. I can’t imagine my life now without her and the personal growth I have achieved because of her love and faith in us. Thank you for sharing your journey. I can’t wait for more.

    • Oh my dear husband, there couldn’t be a sweeter comment about a leap of faith than yours. No doubt this was a leap for us both, one that gave me yet another confirmation that I will always land in a place better than before the jump. You are in every way my dream come true. I love you with every ounce of my being.


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