How do you KNOW when you are truly happy?
What are the tail tell, undeniable signs that you’ve reached this joyous place?
For me its when I say one of two phrases. Either …
These words seems so simple. Yet I KNOW I’M TRULY happy when I say one of these things completely out of the blue, without thinking about it first. These words literally just pop out of me, and it always takes me by surprise. Like I’ve just been given the sweetest gift, one I’ve given to myself.
When those words spontaneously appear, it ALWAYS makes me pause and ponder what is happening in my world that would prompt just a joy-filled exclamation.
I’ve been saying I LOVE MY LIFE a lot lately.
First, creating art every day is once again a priority. Even though some days I only create for 30 minutes, that is enough to fill my heart with joy, and set the tone for the rest of the day.
Second, I’ve been focused on quieting my mind MUCH more often. When a stressful thought comes up, I smile and realize that the opposite of that thought could also be true.
Then I gently quiet my brain and sigh with relief. I’m not perfect at this by a long shot, but I’m seeing a noticeable difference in how I feel, and a sign that its making a difference is how many times I catch myself saying…
So how about YOU?
How do YOU KNOW when you are truly happy?
Please share (either in the comments below or on Instagram) to expand our vision of what happiness looks like, and how we can tell when we get to that joy-filled place.