How 15 minutes turned into 45!

I’m now on day 35 of the 100 day project (I started 2 weeks early), and I’m learning sooooo much about myself.

Where do I start . . .

Initially this journey was about motivating myself to collage EVERY day after a long draught of creating almost nothing as I focused on my art biz.

And the first four days were a breeze, full of joy, whipping up collages in just 15 minutes.

But then something shifted.

The pressure to produce something “good” to post on Instagram turned those blissful 15 minutes into a grueling 45. Yikes!

Where did the joy go?

So I had a long heart-to-heart with myself. I reminded myself WHY I decided to do the 100 day project in the first place. It’s not about striving for perfection or validation from others. It’s about the raw, joy-filled act of creation itself.

Ahhh, yes, now I remember! I’m creating collages because I LOVE to create them, no other reason.

So I took a deep breath, dropped all my thoughts, and jumped into creating another collage. AND I loved EVERY SINGLE SECOND of tearing and gluing paper.

Now I’m once again excited about my journey to create another 73 collages, and hopefully many more after the 100 days are over. What a relief. No doubt that there will be more lessons along the way, and I’m excited for what there is still to learn.

To see me creating this collage, click HERE. 

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2 thoughts on “How 15 minutes turned into 45!”

  1. Oh, Catherine, please help! I know that somewhere I saw you getting 3 co.ors of paint plus black and white and doing some incredible work. I bought those 3 paints and was ready to begin work and really excited. But I fell and broke both bones in my arm. Then I was ready to begin again. I got the paints out but before I could start I was in an accident and have spent the last 5 months recovering and in rehab. Now I can’t find where you showed what you did. Was I delirious and imagined that you did that. Did I sign up for a class and forget about it? I know that you are extreamliy busy and I should have documented where I saw the color class, but I didn’t. If you have 5 minutes could you please tell me where to find the missing info.

  2. I taught this in Collage Kickstart LIVE, which I’m guessing you signed up for in January. This is no longer available, however I’m in the process of editing it into a inexpensive class that will be out early summer. In the meantime, I also teach the basics of this method of working with color in my other free class Collage Kickstart. If you aren’t already enrolled in this one, you can sign up from the link under the workshops button at the top of this page. I would love to have you. So glad that your body is healed and you are ready to create again!


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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.