I LOVE watching the sunrise rise from my studio window.
Pictures don’t do this justice, but in the far background, you can see the lake – its a little slice of blue in the bottom center of the picture. I don’t live ON the lake, but at least I have this sweet lake view in the winter (leaves hide my view every other time of year!).
Yet another incentive to get up at 5am, even on Christmas Eve. This is the best time for me to create, especially on a day like today that will be full of action, friends, and love.
Committing to creating art for a minimum of 1 hour a day is making a HUGE difference in my creative life, especially since 1 hour usually turns into 2-3 hours by the time I pull myself away from the piece I’m working on. Making a commitment to find time EVERYDAY for what is most important is bringing tremendous joy into my life.
Gotta run – a collage is calling my name…….