Day 18 – 5 am is becoming a habit!

day 18Yes, I’m finally home in my studio!  I’m walking around this heavenly space in awe of its beauty, as if I’ve never seen it before.

Still committed to my 30 days, I just realized that for the past two mornings I got up without an alarm.  Wow.

Love that this is 5am thing is not only getting easier, but is also something I look forward to. Even contemplating getting up earlier, 4am, but don’t hold me to that one just yet. Want to make the 5am thing a full habit before I push this even further, and possibly push myself too far.

One thing I know for certain.  Getting up at 5am is giving me so much more focused time to do art, which makes me excited about getting up.

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3 thoughts on “Day 18 – 5 am is becoming a habit!”

    • Jim, I JUST saw this comment of yours. Thanks for your supportive words. I’m honored that you are following my art journey. Hugs, Cat

  1. Hi Christine- thanks for vtiising SweetLittleBluebird and for the sweet comment! I’m new to blogging, just about a month now, so it’s fun to see other blogs and follow – I’m a new follower! :o)I have one of the same resolutions, NEW CAMERA! Most of the photos on my blog were taken with my cell phone. Time to upgrade!Looking forward to following this year! Good luck with your resolutions!Cheers!Mary


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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.