Day 17 – ALL is in perfect order, whether at home or on the road

Day 17

After 12 days on the road, I’ll be driving back over this bridge in a few hours toward the Omaha airport, arriving home later tonight for a heavenly weekend hunkered down in my art studio.  I have loved every minute of where my day job has taken me these last 2 weeks –  New Orleans, Dallas (personal side trip for family), Omaha and Sioux City, Iowa.

My mantra this trip, and every trip, is EVERYTHING is in perfect order, whether I am home or on the road, always, no exceptions.

Each night during this particular trip, I focused my art time on learning how to use Facebook and Instagram to share my art journey. This has felt like I’m back in college, but way better because I’m in charge of designing the curriculum! For instance, just last night I took a class with Emily Jeffords, an amazing acrylic artist in Greenville, SC, on how to use Instagram to share my work. Next up will be a class on using Facebook for artists.

This entire journey, both my day job, and the expansion of my art life,  of this is over the moon fun.



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1 thought on “Day 17 – ALL is in perfect order, whether at home or on the road”

  1. I notice these on your inatrgasm but didn’t really know what intragram was for! Now i do! Blood donation is something I really want to do…I’m the universal donor so I know my blood will be put to good use…It’s just the time factor being a stay at home mum and all…but thanks for the prompt…I think I’ll make that call now! xx


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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.