Step-by-Step Guide to a Collage Series Using Seven Paper Types

Create a cohesive collage series using 7 types of collage papers

Gather up all of your paper piles from my 7 most recent Tune in Tuesday videos for this art demo on how to create a cohesive mini collage series. I will be covering tips on selecting papers that speak to you, why sticking to a color palette is important, and how to add final touches that make your artworks pop.

When creating a collage series, I use a limited color palette across all the collages to keep things cohesive. For this series (and actually for the past two years), I only used phthalo blue – green shade, quin magenta, and hansa yellow – light, in addition to black and white. I start creating this series by first selecting the collage papers. I separate them into “yes” and “no” piles, focusing on papers that physically make me go, “Ooh, I love this!”Once I’ve sorted out my favorite papers, I do another sorting session for light, medium, and dark values.

And then, the fun begins — laying out the collage. I start by gently placing pieces on the collage base, placing contrasting papers next to one another. Once the collage is assembled, I glue it to the substrate using two different glues depending on the weight of the paper: matte medium for lighter papers like tissue paper and deli paper, and matte gel for heavier ones. Trust me, having the right adhesive makes a world of difference in getting the result you want!

By the end, I had created two beautiful new collages, each showcasing the seven different types of collage papers. It’s satisfying to see the end result of such a wide array of papers working together and complimenting each other in a collage series, and a great way to start utilizing those piles of paper that have a way of piling up!

If you’re interested in diving deeper into collage techniques or want to see my collage process in action, consider joining my free five-day online workshop, “Collage Kickstart.”

Join Collage Kickstart

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The 7 Papers Used to create this series:

Crayon Resist
Water Resist 
Leaf Monoprints
Burn Holes 
Tea Bag 
Water Drops 
Magazine Image Transfers 

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