Countdown to freedom

22 blessed days until I no longer have a day job.

My heart is wide open and glowing as I type these words.

Yet here’s the bigger truth. 

I have ALWAYS been free.

I was free to stay in a day job for 12 years, even when my heart longed to do art full time, every day.

I was free to find ways to love my job, even when it didn’t look so lovable on the surface.

I was free to do my day job in a way that most fulfilled me, and best served my clients, employer and colleagues.

I was free to reorganize my life so that I could create art at least one-hour a day, even in hotel rooms far from home.

I was super free to have a home office, even though I was often not sitting in it.

So you see, I have always been free. 

But very soon I’ll have a new kind of freedom. I’ll be free to get up a little later, 6am instead of 5am, because I no longer have to squeeze art making into my very limited free time.  My “work” time will soon be my art making time.

Oh my goodness, I’m truly shaking with excitement at the thought of this new reality.

However at THIS moment, I STILL have a day job. AND I’m going to love EVERY. SINGLE. MOMENT. until it ends in 22 days.

Today I am in Atlanta for one of my two remaining 5-day trips as a full time employee, and I am deeply enjoying the work I get to do, and the fun of doing art from my hotel room at night.

All is well, it always is, no matter what I’m doing, no matter where I am.

Thank you my dear friend for taking this journey WITH me. For cheering me on each step of the way.  Your loving support fills my heart with joy.

P.S. The words on this collage painting perfectly describe my philosophy for the past 12 years as I have dreamt about returning to full time art, while being perfectly present for where I was in every moment.

To thank you for taking this ride with me, 22 limited edition Art Prints of this collage painting are available at 22% off for the next 22 days, through December 29, my last day of full time employment!!!! Click here for details.


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All artwork is the sole property of Catherine Rains and is held under copyright, even after purchase.The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Catherine Rains. Images on this website taken by Laura Thompkins or Catherine Rains.